SAGE'24 is over - but it is only the beginning!

There we go, a week has passed since SAGE'24 has started and is now over!

But for Knight George, things are indeed just getting started. The demo will stay available for all to play, and if you played it already I am welcoming any feedbacks on it! What works, what could be improved, everything is always a great help when it comes to making games!

For the time being, I will keep on playing some games from SAGE to help out other fellow developers, while still planning stuff for Knight George. As promised in the demo, I will keep you guys updated around once a month with a short devlog either documenting what has been implemented or worked on during the month, or just showcasing certain parts of Knight George's development! How the Ma'tava Temple was built, from sketches in a notebook to its current shape, the process behind items... We'll see!

Hope to see you guys sticking around, there are still tons of things to do in the kingdom of Earlyne!


Knight George - SAGE24 Demo (V0.1.0.4) 66 MB
Sep 06, 2024

Get Knight George

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